Effective Energy Managment

“€¦until we consciously learn to override the pervasive low frequencies in which we exist, we will keep recycling unpleasant outcomes into our lives day after tiresome day.

Just like swimming in salt water, if we don’t wash off the residue, sooner or later it’s going to make us mighty uncomfortable.”

Lynn Grabhorn, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting.

This quote speaks to the quality of our energy and how it impacts us in our daily lives, but I think the concept of “consciously overriding” can lead us astray as to what is truly needed. Many try to use thought control to shift their energy or circumstances when in fact a deeper emotional shift is what is necessary. Conscious awareenss at the level of thought is a first step. Then we must choose to do what is needed at an emotional/energetic level to truly get a shift of energy within ourselves and then in our lives. Effective change of frequencies is actually accomplished from another level of consciousness than a mere cognitive one.

12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery and Chakras and Feng Shui: Inner and Outer Balance are programs that provide you with a framework and structure to do just that! Energy Works and you can become more effective using energetic approaches to improve any facet of your life!