energy balancing

Energy Balancing for Health and Spiritual Connection

Energy Balancing Improves Health and Spiritual Connection
Balancing the Crown Chakra
Each of our chakras holds specific fears or strengths depending on the quantity and quality of energy being channeled through it. The fears related to the crown chakra are: Spiritual abandonment; Loss of identity; Loss of connection to life. The strengths are: Devotion; Inspiration; Transcendence; Mystical connection; Faith in divine presence; Inner guidance; Insight into healing; Trust beyond human fears.


Strategies for balancing the Crown Chakra

Chanting: the sound associated with the crown chakra is nng or simply silence.

Spiritual disciplines that help establish spiritual connection


Examination belief systems

Development of the inner witness

Energy Balancing and Meditation
Meditation is by far the strongest practice for developing the crown chakra. Meditation provides the means through which consciousness can recognize itself. Meditation is to the spirit what food, water and rest are to the body. It is our doorway into the inner world where we can develop the sensitive awareness and strength necessary to enter into transcendent realms.

Meditation Helps Balance Body, Mind and Spirit
Over the past four decades research has more than documented the myriad benefits of meditation. 
It has been shown in western research to harmonize body and mind and produce many enormously valuable physiological changes for physical and mental well-being. Studies have shown that meditation quiets and balances the brain (as well as helps to change it in a positive direction), reduces blood pressure, reduces all stress related factors, speeds physical healing and improves performance.

Mental benefits are improved cognitive performance, increased ability to focus and concentrate as well as enhanced decision making.

Emotionally meditation has been shown to increase feelings of well-being, decrease feelings of isolation and to produce a deep inner sense of peace.

Eastern tradition teaches that meditation helps to align our chakras and to open up the ability to sense the spiritual energy underlying all else that it aligns us with archetypal energies and helps us to connect with higher intelligence that informs, inspires and provides us with a whole new foundation and way of being in the world.

If meditation were a drug there would be a run on it and the FDA would be trying to regulate it. People would be breaking down the doors to purchase their personal supply. Yet, we find it difficult to make the time for this wonder drug and enter into a regular practice.

Meditation and Energy Balancing Aid in Living a Fulfilling Life
Our society supports the energies of the lower chakras with their focus on externals. We have deep beliefs about productivity, wasting time and the value of strife, strain and struggle. Whether we understand or are conscious of these factors or not, they clamor at our psychic doorways making it hard to settle down and commit to developing a state of mind that is easy, effortless and peaceful.

The really good news is that if we do commit to a steady practice the internal state of peace, ease and deep harmony that are cultivated in meditation spills over into waking life and ripens into a life lived from joy and purpose in the here and now.

We can begin with cognitively recognizing the value of taking the time to do something so profoundly healthy, pleasurable and nourishing. From there we need to make a commitment to ourselves regardless of any lack of support from without or conflict within that separates us from what would truly help us integrate and move forward on all aspects of our life path.

Nothing supports us or provides us with as much benefit during times of change as meditation and developing a strong stable inner core of being. If you feel you have trouble settling down to effectively meditate, Relaxation 101 can help with that! Click here to learn more:



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