
One Change of Mind That Reduces Stress: Shifting Out of Ego into Soul-Mind

Ego, Heart and the Observer Self
Esoteric traditions see the heart as the space where we move beyond ego and expand into our Observer Self. Some have called this aspect the voice of the Soul. This the part of ourselves that has access to truth with a capital T as opposed to the ego that is mostly interested in truths that supports its view. It also is that facet of consciousness that allows for creative solutions to situations that stymie our ego self.

Steps to Moving Beyond Ego to Soul-Mind
To develop your Observer Self, begin by paying attention to your reaction to everything around you and your interactions with others. From the level of “average or normal” consciousness of the ego you filter your view of the world and shape your beliefs through your conditioned thoughts and feelings. Experience them all just as they are right now. They exist as they are because it is what you were taught and have given them energy– they become embedded and form automatic reactions. The more people you associate with that have similar thoughts and beliefs, the stronger your beliefs may be. They are reinforced through family, friends, social networks, news and world events. Just becoming aware in this way begins to create a space for the Observer self to begin to develop.

The next step in developing your Observer Self is to tune into everything around you, notice your reaction and choose to consciously release judgments or analysis. Simply observe without qualification. Experiment with receiving things as they are from a state of neutrality. Especially at the start you will find that you need to very deliberately and repeatedly release your judgments and move willingly into a state of neutrality. This is normal. We need to exercise this inner muscle of consciousness just as we do our muscles when we work out. The ego does not typically like this shift as it believes it has the crucial task of protecting us from harm. That harm however is mostly misinterpreted as the ego is experiencing threats to a false sense of self.

Allow yourself to simply let your attention flow and observe what happens as one event or interaction leads to the next. Watch the various possibilities and probabilities play out on the stage before you within your family and then extending to your community, state, country and throughout the globe. Develop your Observer Self by becoming aware of all that is around you. This development is not just a change in ideas about things, it is a shift in the level of consciousness from which we experience the world, people, events, places and things.

Centering into the Heart Shifts Viewpoints
Another helpful step is to practice a heart based meditation, get in touch with compassion, gratitude or appreciation and soak your heart space in those feelings. After you engage in such a practice, take a look at those same things you were observing before and see if your experience is different.

As you develop your Observer Self, you can “try on” different perspectives. Begin with something simple. If you are feeling upset, recollect a time when you were truly at peace. Feel what this felt like and try to recapture that feeling, if only for a minute or two. If it’s a gray and dreary day, remember a sunny day and feel the sun streaming down on you. Feel it on your face and hands. See the smile it brings to your face. If your energy is low, recall an instance when you were full of vigor. By “trying on” a different feeling, you change your energy and open yourself to new possibilities. You begin to shift your filters and thus your world view. This change, as does all change, begins deep within your self. It is essentially a change to living from the inside out instead of the outside in.

Effects of Living Beyond Ego
Living beyond the ego and more from the Observer brings with it a greater state of coherence of our energy, more inner peace, and greater stillness of mind that allows for more conscious creation in our lives. Living from the Observer develops your inner strength and resilience. You are able to move through various situations with grace and ease, observing and noticing what is happening, but always returning to your deep (or developing) wellspring of inner peace. This shift is not an event but a process that takes place over time. This process proceeds more rapidly as you clear your non-beneficial issues in the lower chakras and practice bringing in the frequencies of higher awareness.

Our recorded program Relaxation 101 helps you to relax the mind and body so you can more easily move into the neutral state of the Observer mind.

The program Letting Go: The Heart of Healing helps to release old programming that clutters your energy field and keeps you from finding the clear and open space of the Observer Self.

You can learn more about these and other helpful guided meditations here: https://karenkallie.com/shop-2/



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