third chakra

How Does the Third Chakra Affect Transformation, Self Empowerment and Change?

Third Chakra and Transformation, Self Empowerment and Change
All of our chakras are affected by change. However the third chakra is particularly important when it comes to times of transition. The vibration embodied in the third chakra will determine how we feel about our ability to both effect and respond to change in our world. If it is blocked we can feel powerless, frustrated and resentful about our capacity to “make things happen” in our world/lives.

The abilities to act, to adjust and to change are directly impacted by the energy in the solar plexus or third chakra, therefore it is a major player with any of life’s changes.

Third Chakra and Fire of Transformation
The root and sacral chakras are about physical and emotional energy and survival at those levels. In the third chakra we begin to look at transformation and the potential to bring change and growth to ourselves and our world. The element of fire is a great metaphor as fire changes all it touches.

Fire transforms matter into invisible elements like heat and gas. The solar plexus is where we transform our energy from the lower and move it up into the higher chakras.

Third Chakra as Center of Personal Power, Integrity and Esteem
Psychologically our sense of self, our personal integrity, and self esteem rest in the solar plexus. This center influences the capacity to set strong, firm yet flexible boundaries. The lower centers set the stage for boundary keeping but it is the third chakra that holds the capacity to set those boundaries in the world.

When the energy of the third chakra flows smoothly and is balanced one feels an inner confidence and vitality with an awareness of individuality, uniqueness and innate value.

In the free chakra assessment you receive for signing up for our newsletter there is an entire section on each of the chakras so you can evaluate the health of your chakras. If you have already received that and it has been some time since you answered the questions you may want to revisit it to update your awareness as well as see the progress you have made as you have learned and grown on your journey!