root chakra

A Balanced Root Chakra: 7 Ways to Boost Vitality, Increase Focus and Promote Inner Peace

Root chakra balanced energy promotes vitality, peace and focus
These questions will help you gain greater clarity re: how your root chakra energy can be strengthened and balanced.
Before answering the questions sit for a moment and sense how you feel regarding the issue rather than how you think about it. Very often our thoughts give us information about how we wish things were as opposed to what our deepest feelings may be.
Observing how you feel or noting what shows up in your life can give you more information about unconscious beliefs than your everyday mind. It can also be helpful to note your inner dialogue when you notice someone else having what you say you desire for yourself.

1. Am I connected to my body and its needs? Do I attend to my need for rest, regular intake of healthy/adequate food, and exercise? How can I reconnect with my body and respond respectfully to its needs?

2. Are my relationships healthy and life enhancing? Do I struggle with maintaining healthy relationships? Are there relationships that are not healthy, harmful or not serving me well that I cling to and have trouble releasing? How can I improve this area or situation in my life?

3. Do I consistently experience life as a healthy balance of giving and receiving? Do I experience a healthy exchange of energy between
myself and others, nature, and the material world in general? What would help me to connect with this experience?

4. Is it hard for me to change non-beneficial patterns of thinking, feeling or believing? What would help me be more open to change in this regard?

5. Do I struggle to stand up for myself in the world? How could I feel more courage and strength within, more entitlement in the material world?

6. Can I welcome positive change? What would help me feel a safer and more secure foundation that would allow me to embrace change, welcome the new and live life as an adventure?

7. Do I look outside myself for comfort, security, belonging, or protection? How can I feel more security, safety, sense of belonging within myself? What would be some ways that I could begin to learn to comfort and soothe myself?