Reduce holiday stress with these tips. They will help you keep stress at bay as well as help to build healthy energy to be able to enjoy your holidays.
1. Give yourself some quiet time to relax/meditate, connect more deeply with feelings of peace, love, beauty. This practice builds energy and allows you to remain focused in the moment. It becomes easier to not be carried off by the stress, multiple demands, old patterns, & expectations.
Daily meditation provides the space to develop the qualities of acceptance, inner peace and surrender. Development of these traits enables you to just let things be what they are instead of exerting futile effort trying to force events or people to be what you would prefer.
To reduce holiday stress we need to replace ideal images. We all have idealistic pictures of things as they “should be”. Holidays aside, we do it in our daily lives. It just becomes more pronounced at Holiday time. The external world hardly ever matches inner expectations. We really do know this inwardly but resist, always hoping it can be different. If we learn to accept rather than resist, things have a funny way of working out and often better than we imagine!
2. Get a massage. Relaxing the body can help the mind find ease.
3. Listen to music that relaxes you, makes you happy, picks up your energy while you are driving or doing mundane tasks. Also spend some time in silence, give yourself a break from constant input. Be aware of aural hygiene There is a lot of stimulation coming at us constantly. We can monitor this making sure we have more of what feeds our energy rather than depletes it or jangles our nerves.
To reduce holiday stress it is helpful to think in terms of all of our senses and how they are being impacted by our environment.
4. Decide how you can bring more peace and beauty into your life in small ways. Make a list and implement those ideas. Take charge of your everyday environment so that it feeds your senses. Focus on bringing color, texture, aroma into your life. Move things around, change them frequently. As we acclimate, we no longer notice what’s around us.
5. Change small things: the way you drive to work; the side of the bed you get up on; where you have lunch; HOW you have lunch. These changes will help to keep you more in the present and aware of the aliveness in each moment instead of slipping into numbness.
6. Make it a priority to involve yourself in and enjoy all of your moments. Being present is a gift you can give to your SELF!
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