Your energy system has a direct influence on your mind, body and spirit. It impacts your health, your moods, your outlook on life and much more. By tuning into your personal energy level throughout the day you will feel better and begin to develop a foundation for being able to expand your ability to manage, focus and channel your energy.
1. Upon awakening, before you even get out of bed, notice how you feel. If you dreamt something that has a negative hangover effect, consciously release it. Use whatever means you can to accomplish this: EFT, breath-work, imagery and pivoting can help you shift your feelings.
2. Choose you emotional state for the day. Yes, you can! Let yourself feel ease, peace, well being to whatever level you can. Imagine flowing that good feeling out from your deep inner center into your day.
3. As you move through the day notice what expands and opens you and make it a point to settle into these feelings. Appreciate and feel gratitude for all that is present that is adding to your life. (These feelings create very real biochemical and neuro-hormonal changes.)
4.Notice what triggers negative feelings or thought patterns and consciously release them as best you can as they arise. At times there may be a need for more than you can manage in the moment. If the latter is the case, schedule time to do what you need to in order to collapse those patterns more thoroughly from your bodymind.
5. As you notice what diminishes and drags you down you can also begin to think about how you can consciously make choices that eliminate those situations from your life. That may not be possible in all cases, but you may be able to let go of more than you realize. In the meantime do what you can to build and strengthen your energy so you can change your habitual way of interacting with what is negative for you.
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