Worldview and Self Perception

We often don’t think about how our inner story (many times unconscious) is reflected in our viewpoints, interactions or creations in life but they are terribly important and relevant. It is also important to have effective tools with which to change those stories so that they stop obstructing our life experience in damaging ways. This requires “inner technologies” such as the methods presented in the Living Energy programs (shameless plug :)).

Here is a nice article on the topic…follow the link to the entire piece and feel free to let us know what you think in the comment section!

“Our stories about ourselves €“ who we are and what we are capable of becoming €“ are influenced primarily by our worldview, which shapes our lived reality. The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) defines worldview as “the beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and assumptions through which one filters their understanding of the world and their place in it.” Whatever the story is €“ created, told, and retold in a habitual, self-perpetuating cycle €“ it influences our choices and behavior. This is true individually as well as collectively. To evaluate the wisdom of a worldview and to better recognize its influence, it helps to identify some of the assumptions embedded within it.” Lisa Reagan

To read entire article: