Burn out is a prime reason for apathetic feelings.
When there is apathy, there is little movement and little emotion. Beneath that there is a suppression or depletion of energy.
Our physical vitality takes a beating trying to keep up with the demands of our lives. Eventually our inner reserves are not there to help us bounce back or to keep on keepin’ on. We get so used to abusing ourselves that we do not stop to consider that our well may run dry. Of course we get hints previous to a complete depletion of physical vitality. Our minds are not as sharp; we cannot remember as easily, we become confused more. We notice that we are become stressed or tired more easily. Emotionally we may become more constricted, flat or have a harder time balancing and managing feelings. Some describe a sense of emotional bankruptcy: no emotion, interest, passion or joy.
Poisonous indifference
So apathy can be a result of the stresses and strains of being human. Or a deeper cause can be at the source of this poisonous type of indifference. Apathy can be a sign that we’ve fallen into living separated from our true selves, our souls and our creative potential. In an effort to live by the rules, be successful, and meet the material goals of one’s life there is an abandonment of SELF, a profound disconnect with that which is soulful, juicy, life enhancing. To truly live our dreams in a healthy way—one that provides real satisfaction and wholeness—we need to be aligned with our SELF, heart and soul.
We do not have to eschew rules, success or material gain. That is black and white thinking that will only lead to more of the same polarized living that is the problem. The answer is to take the necessary steps to live from the inside out. Start small and build on things that bring some lightness, joy and ease into your life.
Living from your core, true or essential self means to identify and allow yourself your dreams. It means not getting caught up in the “have to-s” so much that you do not bring in enough beauty, relaxation and fun. It means taking the time for the quiet construction of communication with your interior.
Next Post: What are the Steps to Resolving Apathy?
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