
Are You Victim of an Unrecognized Energy Drain?

An energy drain that often goes unrecognized is being “crazy busy”.  This is a common complaint and a great source of stress but we may not realize how deeply it is contributing to our energy drain.
So many of us live with this feeling of “crazy busy” no matter the specifics of our particular life situation. Some is the result of necessity of course, but there are also more insidious causes that we can actually eliminate if we honestly appraise our circumstances. No one outside of you can or should be the determiner of whether your reasons for being too busy are valid. Honest self-appraisal can be the start of eliminating your energy drain and having more time and energy for what you would prefer in your life!

Consider these sources of busyness with an eye to stopping the energy drain.

  1. Boredom
    We like stimulation! Cell phones, e-mail, Facebook etc. all give us a LOT of stimulation and can take the place of alternate activities, connection and fulfillment that would take you out of boredom. Also consider what may be blocking the inability to be quiet, tolerate inactivity and enjoy the simpler aspects of life.
  2. Belief in necessity
    We may think we need to be outrageously busy and stretched to the max to stay ahead, be successful, feel important or even to avoid unpleasant situations. Is that really true? Our energy becomes scattered when we are “crazy busy” and we become ineffective with too much stimulation and activity. We need to look at the truth of this belief. Once we see its falseness we can look deeper at what may be driving our need and work with it in a more appropriate and effective way.
  3. Speed is a natural high
    All the stimulation creates an initial high but like any drug, activity or substance it is not lasting or sustainable without a high price to our overall well- being.
  4. Saying “No” and creating healthy boundaries
    These are things worth knowing and learning they can enhance your enjoyment of life immensely as well as eliminating energy drain!
  5. Over commitment
    What lies behind over commitment? Is it a fear of saying “No”? Is it a fear that you will miss out on something? Reconsider!
  6. Status
    Some folks believe it is a sign of importance to be strung out and busy. Lots of questions about false beliefs and the need to have status are the resolution for this one!
  7. We avoid what is difficult or challenging
    Looking at what is needed to face the difficulties and challenges may be a more resourceful way of managing this.

We all have a lot to be busy about!! And we all have areas of busyness that we can modify and reclaim energy. Which areas of your life need the light of awareness and some kind attention to return some of your precious life force to you and your life?


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