More Tips to Support Your New Years’ Resolutions

DSCF0163At this time of year it is common to make resolutions, set intentions and look forward to this year being better than the previous one(s).

In addition to whatever more traditional ways of approaching this task here are a few suggestions that may help support your forward movement and accomplishment of your goals, dreams and desires.

As you look back over the past year(s) notice what you have achieved for your own good. Take a deeper look define what qualities of body, mind and spirit were involved in the journey toward and achievement of your accomplishments.

Notice what you may have developed as a result of rising to a challenge… was there a quality, emotion or knowledge that you did not have at the outset, but do now?

What went well and what personal attributes did you bring to the process of change that helped you to create a positive outcome?

As we move into a new year it can be fruitful to take a bit of time to mull over and process the year, its experiences, and learning in order to bring more of yourself, your strengths and abilities to the future.

As you review your accomplishments are there any surprises? Maybe a challenge required you to grow in unexpected ways

Were there times during the year when you felt wonderful?  Where you and what were was going on?    Perhaps you were with other people … family, friends, and colleagues.  Maybe you were with someone you didn’t even know.  Perhaps a stranger did something nice for you, something totally unexpected, and it made you feel great.  It made you smile.  Perhaps you teamed up with someone and learned something new… a skill, trait, technique or even something about yourself.   Maybe you did something that made you feel like you had a unique purpose in life. A list of these experiences can be helpful to you to tap back into when you need a bit of strength or encouragement to keep moving on.

Having reminders readily available to you so you can tap into good feelings builds and supports your energy so there is more of you to bring to life. Use pictures, sticky notes  with a word or phrase, posters, vision boards, a journal with a record of happy experiences or things you are grateful for….any method that works for you to be able to recapture the sense of feeling great, of happiness, of achievement, of pride, or simply just being!

Developing the habit of stepping into a powerful positive feeling state helps to build your vitality/energy and move you into a space of transformation with ease and let go of the inner attitudes of struggle often associated with change. It also helps to keep your motivation strong and fuels forward momentum with the new patterns you wish to create in your life.

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