letting go

The hidden aspect that can derail New Year resolutions

At the end of the year I prefer to do a mind-body-spirit check with myself. Rather than think in terms of resolutions I like to do a sort of inventory where I look at what has worked, what has not gone well, and where would I like to shift how I am approaching the aspects that have not gone well.

Years ago I became aware (the hard way!) that a hidden facet that creates difficulty with moving on at anytime let alone into a new year is that of grieving losses and letting go of that which no longer is useful or appropriate to our lives. Until I learned how to erase old grief and loss from my system it was as though I was dragging steamer trunks along behind me and wondering why I could not feel lighter, brighter. It was through learning various mind-body and energy techniques that I learned how to become unstuck from my past.

Leaving our losses not properly attended to can also make it hard to be motivated to stay with our resolutions. Any grief, sorrow, sadness or anger that has not been brought through to completion continues to rock around in our unconscious creating blocks to forward movement, as well as blocking the full healthy flow of energy that can create further trouble down the road. Just as we need to empty a closet of the old to make space for the new, our inner landscape also needs to be cleared, pruned or aired out from time to time.

Note: Loss includes many shifts and changes as we move through life. It is not only with the major losses of people, places and things that grief arises. We need to be aware of and attend to all our losses. Tuning into the energy of our body-mind can give us information re: unattended losses so we can release and be free of them.


The mere thought or idea of letting go does nothing to imprint new patterns and pathways within our energy and nervous systems that provide us with both relief from our heaviness, anxiety and sadness and with space to create something new and move forward. We stay stuck because that is the pattern we hold within until we do something to change that.

Tools or “inner technologies” that can help bring the concept of releasing into reality are: learning to shift levels of consciousness, energy healing techniques, breathwork, meditation, emotional freedom technique, journaling, can all help bring about true inner release, as well as to assist with integrating new skills and states of awareness.

Our recorded program Letting Go: The Heart of Healing is specifically designed to lay down new inner pathways thus providing you with relief from pain, grief, loss, anger and the associated stuck or toxic energies. Learn more here: http://www.https://karenkallie.com/shop-2/letting-go-heart-healing/ 
(available as CD or Download)