Tag: Reality creation

  • Energy, Feng Shui,and the Authentic Self

    Everything is Energy For thousands of years people have known that everything is energy. In Feng Shui we study the I Ching (pronounced “ee- jing”), one of the oldest books from China. This book is also called the Book of Changes. It is about the continual changes in the Universe. It is about living in…

  • Physics, Life and Conscious Creation

    From 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery: Chapter 1 Physics, Life and Conscious Creation The following quote is one that provides some understanding of the territory we need to navigate in order to live as more fully empowered citizens of the universe, using and managing energy to its maximum benefit in our world. Dr.…

  • “How do You Really Leave the Past Behind?”

    Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. Herman Hesse The topic for our Monday, January 18th radio show is “How do You Really Leave the Past Behind?” Eckhart Tolle in the Power of Now tells us that we need to be in the present to free ourselves…

  • 2010: Setting Goals for Success

    Within the week we will be entering a new decade and a new era. Our future has the potential to be very different from the past as well as from that described in the popular press. There is a lot going on in the world that the mainstream media does not focus in ways that…

  • “Supra-sexual Co-creation”–Energy, Relationships and Evolution

    Peg, Tony and I would love to have you join us for our radio show on Monday Dec.7, 2009 at 10 A.M. — our topic will be The Energy of Relationships. We will be discussing the energy of attraction as well as the common energetic flows between people that can help or harm relationships. Through…

  • Practical Solutions For Holiday Stress

    We would love to have you join us on the radio show today–Monday Nov. 23 at 10 A.M. — our topic will be Practical Solutions for Holiday Stress. If you cannot join us live, the show is recorded and available for listening later. Click here to listen or download the recording after the show. http://www.divatoolbox.com/diva-toolbox-radio-/hosts/2007-peg-donahue-and-karen-kallie-living-energy.html