Tag: quantum worldview

  • Personal Power: Use it or Lose It!

    Mind Matters: How we use our minds affects every aspect of our lives so it seems reasonable and desirable to master ourselves at this level so we can be at cause in our lives rather than suffering effects! [caption id="attachment_16206" align="alignleft" width="234"] Mountain Goat by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • Understanding Energy, Heart and Belief

    A great video on beliefs and energy. Useful information to remember anytime but maybe in particular as we head straight ahead into the holidays! Center in your heart, flow the energy of appreciation, let the mind go to neutral and watch the world around you change—maybe one quanta at a time but it will change—practice,…

  • “Spontaneous Evolution”

    “Spontaneous Evolution” by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman is a wonderful book that presents a worldview that helps us understand where we are today, how we got here and more importantly what we can do in order to move forward with strength, power and optimism. It is chock full of science and history and yet…