Tag: power of mind
“Supra-sexual Co-creation”–Energy, Relationships and Evolution
Peg, Tony and I would love to have you join us for our radio show on Monday Dec.7, 2009 at 10 A.M. — our topic will be The Energy of Relationships. We will be discussing the energy of attraction as well as the common energetic flows between people that can help or harm relationships. Through…
Practical Solutions For Holiday Stress
We would love to have you join us on the radio show today–Monday Nov. 23 at 10 A.M. — our topic will be Practical Solutions for Holiday Stress. If you cannot join us live, the show is recorded and available for listening later. Click here to listen or download the recording after the show. http://www.divatoolbox.com/diva-toolbox-radio-/hosts/2007-peg-donahue-and-karen-kallie-living-energy.html
Benefits of an Energetic Perspective/Approach
Learn more about how energy can help you live the life you desire.
Energy and Consciousness: From Concept to Practicality
Several of the most recent posts on this blog reference energy, science of consciousness and the power of mind. While the science is very fascinating and even mind boggling, unless we have a way to turn the information into practical use, it remains on the realm of ideas and lab experiments and of no relevance…
Intention, Synchronicty and Coherence
An example of a challenge to beliefs, a time of being lost in stress and confusion but finally arriving at a co-creative, win-win solution.