Tag: power of mind
3 Effective Methods to Remove Blocks to Clear Perception
One of the most powerful ways of engaging this process is to consider the question of WHO is doing the choosing€¦.who is holding a particular perception or viewpoint. We are all the product of so many influences and as a result have multiple sub personalities living inside us.
How to Navigate Change with Ease
Since we are in a season of change as well as a very intense time of change for the planet and mankind I am reprinting an older article that speaks to the stages of change. I hope the awareness of these stages is helpful as we all ride the waves of transformation. Ms. Chaos &…
Is Positivity Always the Answer?
Positivity can backfire and leave us ill equipped to deal with life’s challenges.
2012: Crossing Over
This film, 2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning is a wonderful discussion re: Dec. 21, 2012 –well worth the time to watch!