Tag: power of mind
Energy, Relationships and the Global Heart
This brief video by Anodea Judith speaks to the energy of relationship and how to shift out of old patterns through that awareness.
5 Tips for Staying Stress Free
Here are some tips to set your energy up at the start of the day as well as to maintain it throughout the day. Your
Six Steps to Letting Go of fear
We have a paradox in our culture…[caption id="attachment_16219" align="alignleft" width="250"] A Higher View by Sonia’s View[/caption]
The New Human: Spiritual Evolution, Compassion and Connection
Compassionate care demonstrated in real time, a visible shift of grief, all caught on biofeedback!
Personal Power: Use it or Lose It!
Mind Matters: How we use our minds affects every aspect of our lives so it seems reasonable and desirable to master ourselves at this level so we can be at cause in our lives rather than suffering effects! [caption id="attachment_16206" align="alignleft" width="234"] Mountain Goat by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Is Your Mind Working for or Against You?
Ancient traditions and modern science all point to how powerfully creative our minds are and yet many have not been able to engage that power. We can hear it, read about it, and fundamentally believe it but when we cannot make it work discouragement sets in, followed by disbelief and abandonment of any effort we…