Tag: New Age
Relating or Reacting to Life?
Being centered and deeply rooted—settled into the core of your Being —helps move you into an expanded awareness that is more of the soul/spirit/higher self. From this perspective it becomes easier to notice thoughts, feelings and sensations as aspects that move through you rather than as things that you ARE. [caption id="attachment_12332" align="alignleft" width="487"] Photo…
Winter Stress Management Tips!
Winter’s Journey…Spinning Inward This article was co-written w/Peg Donahue years ago during another bitter cold and long winter! The ideas and approaches still seem relevant today for those of us in the northern Hemisphere! Are you feeling the results of the harsh, cold and unyielding temperatures on your patience? The already difficult season of winter…
4 Tips to Engage the Power of Spirit in Your Life
Our spiritual nature can be experienced through our energy system and can be a great help in the support of creating and living our lives. Here are some thoughts that can be useful to put the power of the spiritual behind our intentions. [caption id="attachment_10853" align="alignleft" width="224"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Changes that Stick: Supporting Your New Year Resolutions
This post from last New Year has some relevant information for us to ponder as we think about forming our intentions for the year. Here we are ready to take our first steps into the New Year‚…perhaps not quite really present yet as parts of ourselves may be focused still on the effects of recent…
Spirituality, Fear and Change
The seventh chakra connects individual awareness with infinite consciousness. It is here that we can develop the ability to go beyond sequential time and move into higher consciousness where we can achieve In our discussion of the chakras and change we now arrive at the crown chakra.The seventh chakra connects individual awareness with infinite…