Tag: mind power
Letting Go: The Heart of Healing
Letting Go: The Heart of Healing Are these words familiar? “I know I should let go. I just don’t know how.” But whoever taught you HOW to Let Go?
Getting Clear, on Purpose and in Time
Foster Gambeland his wife Kimberly have produced a great video about our point in time and how to be clear about your role/purpose. They also created a movie, Thrive, that you can view at the bottom of this post. It is time well spent to watch!
Before You Forget … Read This!
We’re hearing a lot about memory these days. What does it have to do with energy and being? Quite a bit, actually. Joshua Foer, author of Moonwalking with Einstein: The Science of Remembering Everything, tells us that to memorize is to be more mindful and to pay more attention to the world around you.…
A Way to Raise Your Vibe and Let Go!
As we engage in a routine meditation practice we are able to tame the conscious mind, and become more open to the higher frequencies of universal consciousness. Meditation intrinsically helps to develop an enhanced perspective that allows us to become aware of the lower mind (ego) and its various machinations that keep us stuck or…
Wisdom on the Way to 2012
“Venerating the past in itself will not solve the world’s problems. We need to find the link between our traditions and our present experience of life. Nowness or the magic of the present moment, is what joins the wisdom of the past with the present. When human beings lose their connection to nature, to heaven,…