Tag: inspiration
The Face of the Future?
This video is about an amazing young man—actually two, one the young inventor and the other his mentor. The story about what is being done for this young man is touching but even more than that is the fact that there is now a foundation (the info re: that is at the end of the…
Is Positivity Always the Answer?
Positivity can backfire and leave us ill equipped to deal with life’s challenges.
2012: Crossing Over
This film, 2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning is a wonderful discussion re: Dec. 21, 2012 –well worth the time to watch!
Questions for Assessing the Health of Your Crown Chakra
Is it hard to believe/feel that you have the power to create and influence your life? Are limitations difficult to accept? Do you have difficulty with detachment? Do you easily become distracted, or experience information overload? Do you believe in fate? Are you unclear about your purpose in life? Do you doubt the existence of…