Tag: compassion
The New Human: Spiritual Evolution, Compassion and Connection
Compassionate care demonstrated in real time, a visible shift of grief, all caught on biofeedback!
Four Affirmations Increase Gratitude, Release Stress
Four Affirmations to Increase Gratitude and Release Stress
Oprah Talks withThich Nhat Hanh
A very powerful 21 minute conversation –a great example of authenticity…explanation of deep listening…and teacher of blending spiritual and human.
Is There a Shadow Side of Spirituality?
Years ago as I stumbled along on my path of learning, personal growth and healing the phrase “the path of being fully human” popped into my mind. I had been exposed, as many others were in the late sixties, to spiritual philosophy and for a time felt that my very real human emotions were something…
How Does the Shape of Your Heart Affect your Health, Stress and Relationships
In this video Deepak Chopra clearly outlines how emotions, heart health, relationship, and unity consciousness are all related.