Tag: change
Work Less, Stress Less…Save the Economy?
Great article on the benefits of working less and living more…perhaps a challenge, but one that appears to be possible if we tap our latent creativity! What would it take for you to implement such changes?
Consciousness, Connection and Creative Solutions
“In the midst of crisis, human beings finally learn about the ultimate currency: the power of connection”. Here is a fascinating approach to some of our global issues from a grassroots local level. http://www.transitionnetwork.org/ When we focus on expanding our consciousness/energy and open to the possibility of what can happen instead of the falling away…
Winter’s Journey: Spinning Inward
Winter provides a natural slowing down that can be used to develop more inner silence, a less stressful attitude and a new center from which to live.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) For Lasting Positive Change
Presented by Karen Kallie, Nurse-Psychotherapist with advanced training in Mind-Body Medicine & Energy Psychology Saturday, January 29th, 9:30am to 4:00pm Fee $75 – includes lunch & snack Do you find it easier to make, rather than keep, New Year Resolutions? …what if that could change? You can easily learn how to: release blocks around your…
Setting Resolutions that Stick!
It’s that time of year again €¦ when we reflect on the events of the past twelve months, think about where we are and where we want to be, and set new goals. Exploring answers to these questions may help you to make more effective resolutions: What were some of your high points during the…
Navigate Change with Ease in More Magazine
We just found out that More Magazine’s online edition has published our article, Navigate Change With Ease in its current edition, so we wanted to share that with you all! We hope you will click over to it and leave a comment and /or “like”it! Thanks! http://www.more.com/2010/26176-navigate-change-with-ease