Tag: beliefs

  • Worldview and Self Perception

    We often don’t think about how our inner story (many times unconscious) is reflected in our viewpoints, interactions or creations in life but they are terribly important and relevant. It is also important to have effective tools with which to change those stories so that they stop obstructing our life experience in damaging ways. This…

  • Got Courage? Part II

    Unusual or astounding situations aside, it seems that life can and often does require a great deal from us. One of the greatest myths seems to be that we should have all we need to cope immediately, right now, or there is something wrong with us! It seems more accurate to take the view that…

  • DNA, Beliefs and Power of Mind

    Great explanation of belief, DNA, healing and power of the mind!

  • Practical Solutions For Holiday Stress

    We would love to have you join us on the radio show today–Monday Nov. 23 at 10 A.M. — our topic will be Practical Solutions for Holiday Stress. If you cannot join us live, the show is recorded and available for listening later. Click here to listen or download the recording after the show. http://www.divatoolbox.com/diva-toolbox-radio-/hosts/2007-peg-donahue-and-karen-kallie-living-energy.html