Surrender the Mind—Open The Heart to Love

Great commentary on the working of the mind, surrender–and finding the heartbeat of the universe…the God within.

Bedes Griffith was a Catholic monk who adopted the trappings of Hindu monastic life and entered into dialogue with Hinduism. Griffiths wrote twelve books on HinduChristian dialogue. Griffiths’s form of Vedanta-inspired Christianity is called Wisdom Christianity.[citation needed]

Griffiths was a proponent of integral thought, which attempts to harmonize scientific and spiritual world views. In a 1983 interview he stated,

We’re now being challenged to create a theology which would use the findings of modern science and eastern mysticism which, as you know, coincide so much, and to evolve from that a new theology which would be much more adequate.”[1]

Griffiths died at Shantivanam in 1993, aged 86. The archives of the Bede Griffiths Trust are located at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. ( From Wikipedia)