“Supra-sexual Co-creation”–Energy, Relationships and Evolution

Peg, Tony and I would love to have you join us for our radio show on Monday Dec.7, 2009 at 10 A.M. our topic will be The Energy of Relationships. We will be discussing the energy of attraction as well as the common energetic flows between people that can help or harm relationships. Through understanding these invisible dynamics and how to shift them, we can improve all our relationships, personal and professional. If you cannot join us live the show is recorded and available for listening later.

We have been recreating the role of relationship in our lives for sometime now. Energy has a great deal to teach us about how we can enhance participation in our relationships to make our own lives happier and more fulfilling, and it seems according to Barbara Max Hubbard that we may also be able to bring more creativity to the world through high energy relationships! Take a look at the video—what do you think?