Stress relief requires a multifaceted approach. There are many inner and outer tools and techniques that can be used to manage and reduce stress. In other posts we have spoken about the importance of inner technologies for combating stress. Here are seven practical “external” strategies that may be helpful when focusing on what goals you would like to achieve for personal and professional life.
Stress Relief and Goal Achievement
1. Be clear about your goal whether it is your day or a larger achievement. Often we do not take time to really define what it is we would like to create and so have a less than favorable outcome.
2. Write down what values are important to you and underlie your goals. Prioritize the list and keep it handy to check your daily activities against. Often we can go astray re: what we are really trying to create because we are unclear about our values/true desires. We also can get carried away with unimportant activities that fritter away time and have nothing to do with our goals.
3. Make realistic timetables for goals and tasks; delegate; eliminate/simplify; pad estimated time by 15%. ALWAYS pad the time!
4. Set up a plan to make sure you accomplish what you truly desire. This can be flexible and open to modification but helps to keep us focused.
5. Talk with family and friends, enlist their support, and poll them to see how they are willing to help if what you are targeting is a big goal requiring lots of time and energy.
6. Keep your plan handy; look at it frequently to see if you are spending time doing things that help you toward your goals or if you are getting sidetracked. Being sidetracked is not always bad…it can be good information for you–perhaps your goal is not what you think it is–maybe something deeper is trying to emerge—maybe your ladder is up against the wrong building!
7. Look deeper at why you may be trying to do too much, please others, or remain forever busy and over committed. All of these things can de-rail us. In addition to removing obstacles to your goals looking at these areas provides a lot of self knowledge that can be invaluable on many different levels beyond achievement of goals.
Stress Relief: A Multifaceted Approach Necessary
Stress relief requires practical steps as well as methods that attend to our deeper selves, our inner lives. When we do we find a source of inspiration, nourishment and support that can turbo charge our external efforts.
Meditation, time spent in silence/solitude and all play an important role for our health. They also provide a “rebooting” of brain energy that can make us more happier, more creative and better problem solvers.
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