Heart Chakra Affirmations

Six Heart Chakra Affirmations for Your Success

Heart chakra affirmations need honest feeling. Affirmations are a common technique used for supporting desired change. Before using them however, there are some things to consider in order for your efforts to be successful.

Words and language can be powerful. If we look more deeply though, we find that it is actually the feelings that are evoked by words that hold the power. It is the intent behind the words that is most important.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who professes one thing verbally, but you feel another in your heart or gut? This is a good example that demonstrates that it is not the words themselves that hold so much power as it is the felt motives and inner intention of the person speaking.

In addition to that there is also the issue that words can have unintended effects based on the association or interpretation we make. Words may also inadvertently trigger difficult memories and unresolved issues we may or may not be aware of the full extent or effect of this in any given conversation. So there are several things to consider when looking to words, language and affirmations as vehicles for change.
Self awareness, honesty and a willingness to receive information from your inner being is the key to being able to use language effectively for your own health and healing, as well as for that of our relationships.

Points to remember for successful heart affirmations:
Affirmations can be effective when words are used as a first step to create feeling
The resonance of emotion is necessary to register within your system to create change
A common block in the use of affirmations is unconscious belief
Unconscious beliefs trump conscious intent every time
Remain open to receive information that needs to be released for success

If you are not aware of it, beware of it!
What is held in the unconscious hurts you far more than what is in your awareness.

Tips for starting your day with heart chakra affirmations
Take a few minutes before you get out of bed in the morning to let your intention and desire settle deep within you. Use an index card and carry the affirmation(s) with you, keep it handy and repeat throughout the day. Even better schedule a couple 10 minute meditations throughout the day: relax, breathe, let go of stressful thoughts and feelings and “install” your new emotion (energy in motion).

Examples of effective heart chakra affirmations
I deserve love because I AM.
Resting in my heart with a quiet mind allows me to know all I need to know.
I choose today to receive the higher energies of Love to heal and strengthen me.
I forgive myself for mistakes. True forgiveness opens the way to health, healing and freedom.
My heart registers pain, love and happiness. I choose to release pain making more room for love and happiness.
My heart deepens my awareness and experience of life. I relax and remain open to the possibilities.