Take 5

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Product Description

A Guided Meditation To Revitalize Your Energy

When your a caregiver or simply feel like one, time never seems to be on our side. Our personal experiences at Living Energy Works was the catalyst for creating Take 5. We are all experiencing overwhelm, stress and need time to relax and rejuvenate our energy. It is truly critical that you take time for yourself. It has been scientifically proven that meditation helps us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Take 5 is simply a way to fit a powerful guided meditation into your schedule. The guided meditation program was designed and led by Karen Kallie. Karen is Nurse-Psychotherapist with advanced training in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology. The music was specifically written and designed to enhance your experience by Tony Pace.

It’s simpleā€¦ Take 7 minutes out of a 1440 minute day to relax, reduce your stress and recharge.

Download it to your Computer, Phone or Ipad and listen.
Do not operate heavy machinery or use in important meetings.