How to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

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Note: You may see a different graphics but it’s the same great program

Product Description

How to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires

This is a great program for Caregivers as well as those with boundary issues in their relationships with others. The program is filled with great information which will help you strengthen your energy and learn to keep yourself safe from those who would draw the living energy from you!

Is This Program For You?

  • Are there people in your life who leave you drained or exhausted?
  • Is there someone in your life who incessantly criticizes, blames and manipulates leaving you feeling deflated, ripped apart or emotionally beaten?
  • Do you find yourself becoming tense, tight and constricted with some people?
  • Do you tend to engage in negative behaviors as a way to refuel, numb the “pain” or distract yourself from the results of contact with specific people in your life?

Then you know what it means to have met an energy vampire!

How This Program Helps:

This eighty five minute program is a blend of information and techniques that will help keep you safe from energy drains whether they be people, places or things!

Would you like to know how to: 

  • Recognize predictable patterns used by energy vampires so you can step away.
Use methods that protect and keep you safe from toxic energies
  • Repair, restore and rebuild your energy to keep you safe in the future.

Then this program is for you!

The program begins with an introduction to the concept of what an Energy Vampire is. It will move on to explain how we become victims and how to defend against it. It is critical to understand how Energy Interactions and Patterns happen and how to spot them in order to prevent them
How Energy Vampires behave is also an important aspect for your future well being. There are two guided meditations which will help strengthen both your core foundation and your ability to protect your energy in the future

Karen Kallie, who is practicing Nurse-Psychotherapist with advanced training in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology has developed these programs through decades of research with proven results. How to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires is a program which has become a staple for young and old alike

The music was also specifically written with instrumentation and tonal qualities to enhance your experience and work.