Letting Go: The Heart Of Healing

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Product Description

Letting Go: The Heart of Healingletting go

Have you ever wondered…
Why is it so hard to change? 
How can old conditioning be released at the cellular level?
What can be done to both release pain and connect with inner strength and resilience?

Letting Go: The Heart of Healing answers these questions and gives you the tools to;

  • Unblock the energy that has been stagnant or frozen
  • Let go of resistance to change, old patterns and reactivity
  • Open to core energies that provide inner support, strength and creative flow

This program gently guides you on your inner journey of self-care through three different techniques designed to erase pain, grief, loss and old toxic energies from your nervous system. 

These same methods can also help you release, unprocessed emotions and habitual responses. As a result you can enter free and clear space where you can tap into deep sources of strength, personal power and emotional freedom.

The techniques on this recording soothe and comfort while facilitating health and healing. You will be guided through dialogue, music and imagery to a deep internal center where you can access uncommon courage, compassion and love of Self. . .the heart of healing!

What experts and our clients say:

Letting Go: The Heart of Healing
In the recording “Letting Go” Karen Kallie’s soothing voice and and Tony Pace’s calming music is the perfect blend to create a space within for deep relaxation and mindfulness that stays with me even when I’m not listening”