Balancing Your Chakras

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Energy FieldsProduct Description

Science continues to show the amazing benefits meditation has on our energy system and reducing stress. Our energy system is the root of our feelings, thoughts and physical health and well-being. Disruptions in the energy system are first felt as negative feelings or problems with concentration, attention and scattered thoughts.

Balancing Your Chakras was created to bring your entire energy system back into balance. Through the course of each day we face challenges at work, with personal relationships and even with those who we care for. All these challenges impact your health and the positive flow of your energy can quickly turn to stress, burn out and manifest into serious physical and psychological issues.

Unresolved emotions, negative thinking and beliefs can distort and impede the healthy flow of your energy contributing to physical, psychological, and spiritual problems. Creating abundant, free flowing coherent energy promotes health and vitality…exactly what this program is designed to facilitate. 

Routinely using this recorded program will exponentially magnify returns on your investment of learning, time and practice with a greater inner ease, balance and vitality.

The imagery, sound and color in this healing recording will help you to balance, strengthen and harmonize your chakra system. As you gently move through your system you will be releasing old, toxic or stuck energy patterns as well as developing new skills to strengthen your energy. 
Technique, intention, and musical entrainment result in balancing, stabilizing and harmonizing your energies


Balancing Your Chakras was developed by Karen Kallie though over decades as a Nurse-Psychotherapist with advanced training in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology. This program has helped thousands attune their energy and bring their energy back into alignment.  The music will enhance your experience and each musical segment is written specifically to work with the tonality of the Chakra you are working with.

If you are looking for a more in-depth journey and workout through each Chakra please check out Chakra Guided Meditation