
Practicing Heart Centered Gratitude
This 3 hour workshop guides you through your energy system to the gateway of your heart chakra, opening you to an inner space where you can connect with wholeness, self love and acceptance. It is in the heart that we have the ability to move beyond judgment, criticism and blame to acceptance, compassion and wisdom for ourselves and others.

If you experience…
A feeling of being scattered
Negative self-image and self judgement
Inability to follow through and accept change
Lack of concentration, focus and procrastination
Difficulty in following through on your intentions
Then Practicing Heart-Centered Gratitude is right for you.

The techniques taught in this workshop are simple, easy and effortless to integrate into your normal routines. Learning to shift into a heart-centered focus helps your body to shift to more coherent heart rhythms, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and improves immunity, brain function and ability to concentrate.

In this program you will learn how to:
Support change with ease
Experience gratitude and appreciation fully and deeply
Align with your heart and break through non-productive patterns
Strengthen your core to increase focus, concentration and resolve
Direct your energy more efficiently and powerfully for well being

Program Facilitator:
Karen Kallie is a Nurse-Psychotherapist with advanced training in Mind-Body Medicine, Energy Psychology and Chakra Healing. She received her nursing degree from Mass. General Hospital and her Masters in Counseling Psychology from Lesley College. Karen is certified in Mind-Body Medicine, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Interactive Guided Imagery, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique and Quantum Psychology.

Date: Saturday, May 18th, 2019
Time: 9 A.M.-12 Noon
Place: Healing Way Center
57 Lake Shore Road
Salem, NH 03079
Registration: Email or call 603-321-6763
Investment: $40.00
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“How to get Unstuck” Quantum Focusing
A Six-Step Coaching Program

Quantum Focusing draws on the latest discoveries and practices from Behavioral Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, Energy Psychology, Spirituality, and Quantum Physics.

Quantum Focusing is a:
Tried and true process for self-development and spiritual growth
Blend of inner tools, spiritual practice, creative stress management and Quantum Physics
Spiritual and personal development practice for living in the 21st century
Program providing methods to discover and engage inner resources for well-being and unlock higher level functions

Getting Unstuck: 
Quantum Focusing  Topics, Skills and Techniques
 Essential 3 Techniques: Find the Zone, Being in the Zone, Live in the Zone
Discover authentic spiritual connection
Develop positive imagery skills
Creative stress management
Meet the hypnotist within
Build self confidence
Heal the inner child
Control your body
Identify your bliss
Motivate yourself
Emotional Detox
Empower change
Conquer anxiety
Stay unstuck
Letting go

What professionals say: 

“A helpful guide for those ready to start on the journey of self-empowerment.” Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Author: Love, Medicine & Miracles

Remarkable self-help  designed to enhance one’s relationship with oneself, others and the universe . . . helpful to individuals who suffer from physical and/or emotional problems as well as those who simply want to get more out of life.” Michael B. Schachter, M.D., President, Foundation For Advancement of Innovative Medicine

“Great understanding of most of the challenges we all face today. The QF exercises are easy, short, pointed, penetrating and powerfully effective. QUANTUM Focusing is comprehensive, timely synthesis of many of the self-help tools out there.” Dr. Neil J. Salka, Director of Chiropractic Care, Center for Traditional and Non-Traditional Healing

“QUANTUM Focusing, an owner’s manual for the mind, is exceptional. Ellner and Barsky have captured the essence of the world’s sages . . . It is a primer for anyone who is entering the 21st century and wants to live it to the fullest.” Anne H. Spencer, Ph.D., Dir.,  International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association

“An excellent resource for anyone with chronic illness or just interested in health. It teaches practical skills. I highly recommend it.” Frank Lipman, M.D. Internal Medicine, Stress Medicine

“QUANTUM Focusing is a powerful program for self-development, spiritual growth and selfhealing.” Andrew Cort, D.C., J.D. Author: Our Healing Birthright

“The Quantum Focusing program has been organized in a way that will help you tap into a state of consciousness that promotes health, wellness, and being more effective in your life.
When you master QUANTUM FOCUSING, nothing in your life seems out of control any longer. You are able to quickly move into QUANTUM Focused enhanced states of consciousness in the here and now. You are in action instead of reaction. You are in control of yourself.”
Michael Ellnor and Alan Barsky

“Getting Unstuck” Coaching   Six One Hour Sessions are in person or over the phone customizing the program to fit your needs and achieve your goals with ease.

For registration or more information call 603-321-6763 or email

Mind Body Energetics Seminars

The Art and Science of the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Mind Body Energetics seminar programs combine the art and science of the energetic connection of mind, body and spirit to provide participants with theory and experiential methods to promote healing, health, optimal well being, and expansion of higher level human capacities of intuition, creativity and spiritual development.

Theory and techniques from the field of Psychoneuroimmunlogy, Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology form the basis of the four seminars included in this program.

Solid research in these fields has grown rapidly over the past thirty years providing validity to the methodologies and a rich resource of new efficient tools and techniques for healthcare.

The foundation of this work rests on the underlying principles that conscious management of the energy of mind, body and spirit assists in:

  1. Development of new and broader strategies for reducing and managing stress
  2. Improvement of physical and psychological health
  3. Enhancement of relationship skills
  4. Expansion of higher level functions of intuition, creativity, and spirituality.

The human energy system provides a map and a means toward these goals.


Subtle Energy Competency for Empaths and Sensitives
Self-care from the Inside Out

       Are You an Energy Sensitive or Empath?
Would you like to have more energy and less fatigue?

Learn how to protect yourself from energy drains of all types!

In this 3 hour workshop you will learn:
How to sense and strengthen your energy field
Methods to release energy blocks
3 Techniques for balancing your chakras
Approaches to restore health, flow and balance to your system

Techniques to:
Ground and center energy for greater clarity, concentration and well being
Use sound, color and imagery to release stress and rebalance energy
Develop heart coherence for improved relationships, and intuition

When: Wed. Jan 23rd, 2019  6-9 PM
Where: 5 Northern Blvd., Unit 16 Amherst, NH 03031
Cost: $35.00

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For registration or information: or 603-321-6763

3 Contact hours available for nurses

Clearing and Balancing Your Chakras: Centers of Power, Presence & Consciousness

 Are you exhausted by the pace of life and demands on your time and energy?
Do you feel irritable, angry or sad for no apparent reason?
Do you find yourself short on patience and frustrated?
Is it difficult to find time and space for yourself?
Do you feel overwhelmed or overworked?
Do you feel guilty saying “No”?

Consciously clearing, balancing and strengthening your energy can help!

This workshop focuses on simple, easy to use and enjoyable energy management techniques to help you reduce and eliminate stress, improve health and develop optimal well-being

Discover how to:

Reclaim and restore your energy
Discover an ever present oasis of inner peace
Develop balance with ease in your heart and mind
Shift negative mental and emotional states to positive with ease
Detach from the vibrations of lower thought and feeling
  Move beyond the average thinking mind
  Develop and sustain resiliency

Each participant will receive a Chakra Assessment Questionnaire to personalize workshop information. Aura Imaging—real time viewing of the energy system will be used to demonstrate energetic principles and to see effects of techniques explored in this workshop.

Registration: 603-321-6763 or        More Info:

For seminars listed below click on the name of each seminar for a full description (Except for Self Care)

Energy and Boundaries in Relationships

The role of energy fields in communication, personal and professional relationships is the focus of this seminar.

Learn to harness the power of energy to improve communication, personal and professional relationships communication, personal and professional relationships.
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="Energy and Boundaries in Relationships" amount="125.00"]

 Emotional Freedom Technique: Relief at Your Fingertips

Emotional Freedom Technique has been called “acupressure for the emotions.”
[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Emotional Freedom Technique” amount=”125.00″]

Intuition, Spirituality and Creativity: An Energetic Perspective.

This program concentrates on developing intuition, insight, spirituality and creativity.
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Self-Care from the Inside Out
Recognizing and Resolving Self-Care Deficiency Syndrome

Overwhelmed and Overworked? It’s harder and harder to keep up your pace?  Your nerves are wearing thin? You are doing less and less for yourself?


Where is there care for me?
What happened to me/my life?
How to stop the downward spiral of energy and well-being?

Personal and professional experience has taught us real, effective, whole person solutions that go to the heart of the self-care challenge. Now we want to share them with you!

Before 6-1-18 $107
After 6-1-18 $120.00
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Chakra Clearing and Balancing

Your Chakra System is a map of consciousness that can help you be happy and healthy from the inside out.
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