self love

Self Love: Five Steps to Being Your Own Best Friend

Self Love acceptance and Compassion
“Being a friend to your SELF is no mere metaphor or purely sentimental idea. It is the basis of all relationships, because it is a fundamental recognition of soul.”

Thomas Moore

While the concept of being our own best friend, or having self love, acceptance and compassion is a simple one, it is often hard to know what to do to begin to make that shift. Here are five ways that can help.

1. Listening to how we speak to our selves
Let go of self-bashing, become aware of the voices in your head—the overt and the subtle ones. Commit to shifting to kinder gentler thoughts. Stop self-abuse!

2. Making time for real self-care (VS self-indulgence)
We can begin by discerning what is self-indulgent and what is truly caring for ourselves. What do we need in terms of basic care? How can we begin to make time for these basic needs to build a strong foundation so we can expand in freedom and expression of our best selves?

3. Listening more deeply to our true voice and  real needs
How can you give yourself time and space to listen deeply and acquaint yourself with the real you?
Quieting the usual noise in our heads allows the quieter voice of the true self to emerge.

4. Being compassionate with ourselves is a work in progress
We are continually learning, growing and developing as human beings whether we are conscious of it or not. Becoming more conscious and aware can smooth our journey. We can only be where we are at any given moment in time–mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Starting from where we are and being tolerant and patient with your learning curve is being kind to ourselves. Actively work at embracing the feeling of ease with ourselves elps grow compassion and acceptance.

5. Making time for enlivening our soul
What brings you alive? What nourishes you at a deep level? Can you commit to providing time and space to find out and then allowing that to come into your life?