Self awareness and self knowledge are key ingredients to all that we desire in life. However human nature being what it is, they can be the last places that we look for help and solutions.
Here is a brief excerpt from Session Two of Twelve Keys for Life and Self Mastery: Opening the Gate to Self Knowledge and Self Awareness that provides some background about these two facets.
Energy, Self Knowledge and Personal Power
We are energetic beings living in a sea of energy and just as the energy of the universe takes many forms and has many layers, so do WE. To fully connect with and express our best selves in the world then it is imperative to have true Self knowledge and Self awareness. These are most efficiently gained through understanding of the structure of our minds and energy systems.
It has often been said that “knowledge is power,” and nowhere is that truer than when we are speaking about ourselves and the lives we create. Self-knowledge includes understanding how we work as human beings as well as how we have personally operated up until now to construct our lives.
That brings us to Self-awareness. Self-awareness includes the ability to observe oneself, but the way we are using the term implies even more than that.
We share the view that each of us is in the world to bring more of our spiritual nature into human form to become more of our authentic Selves and grow past the small identity that may have served us well until now but no longer does.
The Times Require New Approaches
We live in a time that necessitates living in new ways … a time that requires us to rise to challenges from a different perspective than in the past so we can live lives that are more nurturing, satisfying, fulfilling, abundant and prosperous in every way.
To us, the term Self-awareness represents a knowing beyond observation of our patterns of thought, feeling and action. It describes a presence of “I AMNESS” that is beyond the average thought, feeling or sensation of human experience. It is the direct awareness of our spiritual nature.
We are addressing moving from the lower mind controlled by the ego and its self-protective but often mistaken ideas and beliefs to a level of BEING that embodies more of your spiritual essence … your soul nature. This is the place where we embrace our full potential and engage the power of our authentic Selves.
Ancient Wisdom Blended with Modern Science Provides a Map
There is an art and science involved in this opening to the authentic Self. The way has been laid out for us through the millennia, but now we have the additional benefit of research in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology, as well as Quantum Physics, documenting age-old wisdom and providing important information to help speed us along on this exciting adventure of discovery.
The beginning of this journey necessarily includes a working knowledge of the mind, as it is the vehicle that transports us for a portion of our journey.
Our mind is not only an operating system; it is also where many of our obstacles lie. To understand the mind’s structure and have a working knowledge of its functions can help smooth our way as we seek to create change in our lives.
In this session we discuss the three levels of mind and how to use each of them appropriately. We talk about methods that are most useful with each level and provide an experiential exercise to help you begin to identify and sort out the layers of your own mind.
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