sacral chakra balance

Sacral Chakra Balance Supports Pleasure and Corrects Pleasure Deficits

Sacral Chakra Balance Allows for Healthy Pleasure

In the last post we spoke about pleasure deficits beginning in the sacral chakra. First we need to be aware that there is an imbalance if we are to correct it. Here are some signs indicating that sacral chakra balance is not optimal and therefore will affect our capacity for pleasure.

Physical health issues involving the hip and pelvic area are one way to note if energy is disrupted in the sacral chakra.

Emotionally signs of trouble in sacral chakra balance are:


Difficulty appreciating life’s goodness

Nothing seems good enough


Foundations of Pleasure Deficits
In addition, disrupted sacral chakra energy can manifest in a sense of being stuck, of having no ability to adapt or change. There can be insensitivity to one’s emotional needs and an inability to express emotion; there may be denial of pleasure with unyielding, strict and rigid self imposed boundaries. The latter can include healthy practices done to the extreme.

Remedying pleasure deficits
Balancing the sacral chakra allows emotion to freely move through our systems. Just as flowing water is purifying, refreshing and revitalizing so it is with feelings set in motion without resistance and proper channeling. When the energy of the sacral chakra is open, flowing and balanced we are responsive, intuitive, buoyant, and full of dreams and healthy desire. Just the open flow of energy here can go a long way to correcting a pleasure deficit. With the energy balanced in the sacral chakra we have the necessary vitality to bring more experiences into our lives that will further correct our pleasure deficit.

Many people think in terms of simply having lots of energy or not. However problems can arise in our energy system from either an excess or a deficit of energy. The list below may help you further define the state of your sacral energies.

Excessive Energy
High emotion
Emotional Instability
Emotional Intensity
Dramatic; Intense personality
Poor boundaries;
Intense need to be connected

Deficient Energy
Stiffness, numbness;
Restricted energy (physically, psychologically, spiritually);
Sense of emptiness, isolation,
dullness, impotence
Rape, betrayal/ trust issues register here

Most of what gets in the way of our having the life we wish for is settled in the subconscious and fires soundlessly to block our desired progress to our goals. The energy system in effect is our subconscious in that it registers everything that we experience in life. That being the case addressing our issues at the level of energy not only makes sense, it also tends to be faster and more effective that other methods that rely on cognition and conscious awareness.