Resolving the Pitfalls in Co-creation

Using tools that clear, balance and strengthen your personal energy will help ensure that your energetic requests are ones that you want to show up in your life.

In spite of having a great deal of knowledge regarding the topic of conscious creation, many people still have difficulty making the process work for them. This can lead to discouragement or to abandonment of the process altogether.

One reason for the difficulties in learning how to consciously create is that navigating the inner landscape and the world of energy requires different attitudes, approaches, and tools than does navigating the exterior world. Another is that it generally takes time to learn and integrate new ways of being. It is possible to have huge shifts in no time at all, but most of us will probably need some degree of persistence, patience and perseverance as we adopt new attitudes, methods and world views. It took time to form the patterns you now have, so it may take time to shift into new patterns and frequencies and sustain them. Soon enough the new patterns and frequencies will become Self reinforcing, especially if you adopt a light playful attitude.

The specific approaches we cover in Session 5 of 12 Keys to Life and Self Mastery help you to move beyond some of the common pitfalls to co-creating in your life.

You will learn how to:

  • Effectively affirm and support your truest desires
  • Identify the hidden dynamics that block your desires
  • Set intentions that universal energy can readily respond to
  • Discern between willingness and willpower; shift to ease in creation