It has often been said that “knowledge is power,” and nowhere is that truer than when we are speaking about ourselves and the lives we create. Self-knowledge and Self-awareness includes understanding how our mind, body and spirit work in general, but also specifically in the creation and living of our lives.
Consciousness is a continuum that we shape as well as are shaped by.
With the right tools we can access it and improve that shaping process.
There is nothing truly hidden from us, only aspects not fully explored and opened.
Understanding our mind, the levels of consciousness helps us on our soul path as well as in our human creative expression.
Thought is creative
To effectively engage the power of thought, it helps to have a working knowledge of the structure of mind as well as awareness of how to harness its power. Think about the difference between the light of an incandescent bulb and that of a laser. Incandescent light can brighten a room, but a laser is capable of far greater feats. And so it is with our mind, our creative mechanism.
Creating with the everyday mind is akin to incandescence. Using coherent energy and higher consciousness is like sculpting with a laser. In order to use our mind this way, we need to become aware of negative programming that may be sub- or unconscious, release it and learn the necessary tools to connect with the higher aspects of our minds. Laser-like focus and concentration can help connect you to your higher consciousness and open you to the creative aspect of your Self.
It is interesting to note that every spiritual discipline has a way of speaking about awakening, coming into the light of self-realization and alignment with the God Force … the power of the universe.
The languages of these approaches may be different, but the intent is the same: for us to awaken from the sleep of our uninformed consciousness and embrace more and more of our Selves as we grow to align with the frequencies of purposeful creation.
As we work with these principles, we shift our consciousness. As we work to clear our personal blocks to our most authentic self-expression, we begin to change in ways that open us to greater compassion, more humility, tolerance and understanding, as well as a healthy desire to help others. Our perspective and how we relate to the world changes. As we become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, emotions – our actions, reactions, and interactions – each of us can be an agent of positive change in the world, beginning close to home and then expanding our spheres of influence.
Conscious Mind
Our conscious mind is the one we are most aware of and familiar with. This is the part that does our planning, analyzing, problem solving and intellectualizing, as well as our worrying, criticizing, judging and blaming. Some refer to this as the home of the ego.
The conscious mind is the easiest aspect for us to identify and observe. Perhaps you used your conscious mind after listening to the last session to explore your beliefs and family legacies. The Solar Plexus (third) and Brow (sixth) chakras in the energy body are those that we can most readily correlate with the conscious mind.
Subconscious Mind
The subconscious is the part of our mind that holds unresolved issues, incomplete experiences and lost memories. Our bodies are often the best source of information regarding these split off thoughts, feelings, beliefs and incomplete emotional experiences.
In the chakra system any of the chakras may be holding unprocessed material. However, the Root (first) and Sacral (second) chakras primarily are those we associate with early issues in our lives and deeper, sub- or unconscious material.
As we work with the subconscious, there are several key points to bear in mind:
- Material held in the subconscious is out of conscious awareness.
- Subconscious learning is rapid, protective, without discernment.
- Learning in the developmental years is largely subconscious.
There is tremendous strength to this part of the mind, but we must understand it and know how to use it. If we do not, it tends to work toward our detriment instead of our benefit. This is because it is the storehouse of uninspected beliefs that have accumulated throughout our lifetime. Because most of these beliefs were probably imprinted early in life, they may not be accurate for the present and may be detracting rather than adding to our lives.
Higher Mind
The higher mind is contained within the field of consciousness that is often referred to as unconscious. Again, the term unconscious refers to our general lack of awareness rather than a type of inaccessibility.
This part of the mind has a personal and a collective aspect. The personal unconscious is an aspect of our soul. We connect to the universal consciousness – to the ALL THAT IS – through the personal unconscious. Collective or group unconscious is the term given to the place where we connect and share with all of humanity.
So the term unconscious as we are using it is a higher aspect of Self, our spiritual nature. Familiarity with this aspect comes through direct experience – it is experienced as pure awareness, a silent knowing of a presence accessed beyond thought and mundane emotions. Aligning with this aspect of ourselves is truly the most powerful creative act, although our conscious ego based mind may not be so comfortable doing what is needed to arrive at this place!
We are always connected to our higher mind/spiritual self – it is impossible to lose this connection – but it is very common to not have a clear connection, an sufficient receiver or a clear channel available for relating to it. This is where our personal “work” comes in.
Your Layers of Consciousness
Here is a simple technique for getting in touch with you various “parts” so you can engage the full power of your creative nature to achieve your goals.
Let attention come to your body and how it is resting on the surface beneath you. Notice any physical sensations … let them be, without trying to change anything. Also notice any resistance you may have to feeling, and release it.
Now notice how thought moves through awareness. Notice the quality of the energy of physical sensation, then intellect and then emotion.
Intend to open to a higher level of consciousness, let energy flow into your heart. Allow yourself to just be with that for a time.
Pure awareness is experienced in the space between thoughts, or you may experience it in the space between inhalation and exhalation. Let yourself just be for a time in the full experience of the sensation of your breath as a way of learning how to develop your ability to maintain more and more of this sense of pure awareness/higher mind/observer self.
Move back into normal consciousness.
What do you think are the strengths and weak points of each layer of consciousness?
What type of energy/level of consciousness was strongest for you?