
How to Overcome Fear: Two Practices to Release Negative Reactivity

There are many causes for fear that arise in any lifetime let alone in times like we are currently living. It can be hard to realize that regardless where our fears are originating from, we can implement techniques that release reactive negativity and develop inner strength, courage and self mastery.

Fear and negative feelings come on us quickly
Our feelings come upon us so quickly at times that we do not realize there is a space where we can choose to shift our feelings away from the negative and toward more neutral or positive. Recognizing that space and making the effort to shift our attention and emotions begins to create new circuity in our brain and nervous system that can become a new default pattern.

Meditation practice helps eliminate reactive fear responses
There has bee a lot of research that shows us how beneficial meditation is for all aspects of our health. A routine meditation practice helps to recondition the nervous system so re become more responsive and less reactive. Each time we meditate and rest in stillness we invite higher level knowing, creativity and wisdom to enter.

Consciously choose to reroute fear based thought
We may not be able to changes some of the difficult things that emerge in life, but we can always choose how we want to feel and how we want to respond. As we do, things have a way of shifting in the outer world as well. BUT perhaps even more important, we strengthen and make our energy more coherent and increase the stability of our inner resources….which not only helps us to rise to challenges, but also helps to bring about more positive circumstances, people, places and things…the kind of circular thinking that is helpful instead of soul deadening.

A simple way to begin shifting out of habitual, unconscious reactivity is to make it a game to pause several times a day, check in with your feeling state, take three deep breaths and as you breathe out say to yourself, relax, relax, relax. Then purposely shift your thoughts to a time you felt grateful or appreciative. You can use a memory or simply imagine circumstances that would trigger those feelings.  Focus there, feeling yourself flow with them expanding them without grasping. See how many peace filled, grateful moments you can collect as you move through your day.