
Stress reduction, Mind-Body Practices and Energy Psychology 

Karen Kallie, R.N., M.A.C.P. is a Nurse-Psychotherapist with Advanced Training in Mind-Body Health and Energy Psychology

Addresses your whole being
A blend of Western Research and Eastern wisdom
Release the underlying causes of stress and illness

  • Reduce stress
  • Enhance health and well-being
  • Develop greater vitality and joy
  • Achieve inner harmony and balance
  • Embrace self-love and acceptance
  • Develop inner peace
  • Cultivate Inner resilience
  • Experience higher consciousness

We are complex beings made up of thoughts, feelings and energy as well as flesh and bone. Who we are today is largely the result of our experience: our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual history. When we are stressed, tired, ill or unhappy, treating the symptoms of our ailment may afford temporary relief, but often does not solve the problem. We must address our whole being to live with optimal health, to create authentic well-being and a life we love to live.

Understanding the source of our physical and/or emotional pain, the focus of talk therapy, is a first step to healing. However, this awareness alone is not enough to facilitate the freedom and wholeness we seek. We need methods that help to release our acquired mental patterns, and emotional and physical pain from mind and body to truly heal. These methods not only heal but strengthen and provide access to connect with and integrate our innate wisdom. In so doing, we open to a more expansive authenticity of being that embraces both our human and spiritual natures.