Trying to talk ourselves out of fear once it has been triggered is futile. The chemical cascade influences every system in our body changing it to be prepared for fight, flight or freeze. The better parts of ourselves that we need to see clearly, maintain perspective, problem solve etc. have been high jacked. Once fear has grabbed hold of us we need to use methods that address how we really work. And to erase our patterns of reactivity with fear in any kind of permanent way we need to engage inner tools and practice. That being said there are some tools that can be added to our more inner work to help us on our way.
These Acronyms for fear can be helpful as starting points or reminders along the way as you work to release fear based reactivity from your system.
False Expectations Appearing Real.
Future Expectations Appearing Real.
Failure Expected And Received
Finding Excuses And Reasons
Forgetting Everything is All Right!
Three Points to Remember as You Practice:
- Acknowledge where you are and don’t hesitate to ask for help
- Move through the fear …learn techniques and tools to eliminate fear
- Be patient with your process and know that we all have a learning curve
Why we stay stuck
It may seem crazy to think that there is a reason we cling to our fears but our subconscious has its own “logic” and will block our more conscious efforts.
We all have beliefs that are encoded within and have receded into our unconscious. People who have had trauma in their history are more susceptible to stress and having a fear response triggered and becoming frozen. Emotional trauma is stored in the body, in cellular memory and tends to be activated during stressful situations. Some common sources of trauma are: being bullied or ridiculed, emotional or physical abuse, accidents, surgeries or any event that results in emotional or physiological overwhelm.
A useful question to ask when noticing a pattern that seems stuck or hard to release is, “How is this helping me?”.
Adopt a Perspective of strength when diving into your inner world:
What quality am I being challenged to develop?
If this situation was just the perfect one to point me in a different direction than I have been taking, what would that new direction be?
Is something new trying to be born in my life?
Grounding and Centering
Use these techniques as a foundation for the other work you are doing and it will provide you with a great deal of strength, help to ease or eliminate anxiety, and provide an inner sense of security as you move through change.
Please visit our store and explore our recorded programs that can help you cope more easily with stress, change and transformation.
(Our recording Relaxation 101 was specifically designed to deal with the mind-body’s response to stress and fear.)
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