New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions: 9 Tools to Reboot Your Enthusiasm

New Year resolutions are easy to set but hard to maintain to the “finish” line. Here are some tips to help.

Questions to ask yourself to clarify your New Year Resolutions

Check in with yourself about whether you really want to put in the time and effort.

Is this the right time for you to tackle this goal?

Does it make sense at this time in your life?

What kind of support network needs to be in place for you to help you?

Is there space in your life for this change to happen? Are you too stretched for time, energy or desire to focus on something new? Where is life too crowded to allow anything new in?

Methods to help bring your New Year Resolutions into Reality

  1. Visualization: A Passive form can be useful in uncovering unconscious material; an active form can be used to imagine an end result and see how it feels to you or as an aide with motivation. Visualization can also help with shifting inner images and coming into alignment with goals.
  2. Recognize your patterns of resistance and use techniques to release that resistance.
  3. Meditation: Use it to quiet the voice in your head and develop inner strength and resiliency
  4. Use methods that eliminate negative self-talk and install positive feelings
  5. Imagery use it to offset the negative images —choose new positive felt images- for your strength, confidence and ability. Remember times when you did succeed at something. Get in touch with those feelings and feel them attached to the new goal as well as to your ability to proceed on the path.
  6. Reward yourself for small steps. Break your goal into smaller segments and make it achievable. Your confidence will grow with each achievement and fuel your forward movement.
  7. Learn EFT– a meridian tapping technique that helps with dissolving blocks, releasing old patterns and integrating new ones
  8. Start or continue with a Gratitude journal, it helps build positive strong energy and reconditions the brain and nervous system to embrace and create the positive
  9. Techniques that directly affect your energy field go to the root of lack of motivation and help to build strong energy to provide and maintain motivation and vitality to create the change you desire

Some of our programs that can help

Letting Go: The Heart of Healing-deep relaxation combined with tools for reconditioning the nervous system and brain to release blocks

Relaxation 101-Quiets the body and mind to let go of accumulated stress and build inner resiliency and positive inner states

Energy Aerobics (Balancing Your Chakras)-A guided meditation program that helps to identify and release specific issues related to each chakra and build strong, coherent free flowing energy