motivation and change

Motivation and Change: 3 Methods for Reigniting Motivation and Change

Motivation and Change: How Can We Sustain them?
Here we are in the middle of January. The holidays are behind us and we’ve had a couple of weeks to focus on the changes we set for ourselves at the turn of the year. How are you doing with the resolutions/intentions/goals you set at the New Year? Typically we begin to lose steam and falter in our efforts to keep moving toward our desired changes at some point along the way it is simply part of our make up as humans! However natural it may be, we do not have to simply accept it and go down in defeat. There are ways that we can regain clarity and rekindle our motivation.

Motivation is a major factor in not only setting goals but also in sustaining forward movement toward those goals. When we are in clear alignment with our deepest self, our true nature and its truths we are filled with honest passion and desire as we tap into a stream of energy that serves to motivate us. So what is it that interferes with this process and derails us?

1. Lack of clarity affects motivation and change

Perhaps the goal, intention or desire you set out to achieve is not one that you really wanted.

Outer influences often shape what we think we want, but these can be in direct conflict with who we are, or what we are prepared to do, have or be at any particular point in time.

A classic example of this would be choosing a profession based on family beliefs/needs rather than what is in your heart to do. The same can be true if we are trying to change FOR someone else. This never works!

A little self-discovery work can go a long way when setting our intentions and goals. That same self discovery unearths information that will be helpful to your motivation and change efforts. Separating yourself from familial or societal conditioning can be painful at first but it is ultimately freeing to live from your own truth/core.

2. Lack of belief deflates motivation and change momentum

Lack of belief can be in the goal itself you may not really believe it is possible, or you do not believe you can achieve it. Perhaps you don’t believe you have what it takes to succeed with your goal.

What can be done about expanding your perspective about what is possible? How can you shift on your inner self image and belief in yourself? Inner images can be powerful ingredients for motivation and change.

3. Fear

An often overlooked reason for a block to achieving a goal is the fear of actually doing so. This may seem strange on the surface, but if we look deeper there may be reasons that ARE believable to some part of ourselves. For instance, success may mean more responsibility and we may not sure we can or want to handle it, or we may fear we cannot sustain a certain momentum.

On another hand, the fear may be that someone in our lives will be disturbed in some way if the goal in question were met. Again, this seems counter intuitive and requires some deep exploration to discover if this is what is decreasing forward movement and motivation.

How do you believe things would change if you accomplished your goal? List the positive and the negative. What would it take for you to be prepared to live with all the changes? How will you work on this so your dreams can be brought to life?




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