
Letting Go of Judgement

We judge ourselves, other people and situations daily. We pass everything through our own experiences and filters. We need to have an ability to know if something is good for us, dangerous, destructive and so forth. However, this is one of those normal human capabilities that has run amok.

We say that things are good/bad, right/wrong, beautiful/ugly. We do the same with people: we look at someone and size them up — they are beautiful, they are ugly, they are fat, they are skinny, they are good, they are bad, they are right, they are wrong. Each time we do this, we do so through our own filters, experience and perspective.

Any given situation or person can be and is seen from multiple perspectives. When we judge, we are typically bringing something closer to us or pushing it away from an energetic perspective. We are never accepting it as it is and appreciating it in the present. Judgment is about each person doing the judging. Notice how and when you judge others.

Step back when you notice a judgment and explore what this might be about for you. Only self knowledge will set you free! Once you aware of what is beneath your judgment it will be easier to release it,thus lightning and brightening your SELF!