Ancient traditions and modern science all point to how powerfully creative our minds are and yet many have not been able to engage that power.
We can hear it, read about it, and fundamentally believe it but when we cannot make it work discouragement sets in, followed by disbelief and abandonment of any effort we may have been making.
What can we do so our disillusionment and frustration do not rob us of discovering and using our inner technology to improve any aspect of our life that we choose to focus on?
Conscious Creation
First we can realize that the level of mind that we typically operate from is not where our pure power to create resides…that is found in a deeper aspect of mind and being.
Second we can accept that to fully and effectively engage this power, we need to develop a not so common capacity for clarity, awareness, and concentration.This begins with being able to deeply relax the body and quiet the mind using a method such as the one taught on Relaxation 101 (http://bit.ly/1xoQvuJ)
We all want to jump to the creative phase and create our vision boards and watch our lives magically change in the blink of an eye. But to truly harness the pure creative power of mind we need to honor and respect the way we and the universe(energy) work.
Beyond Stuff
Another reason to approach a consciously creative life in this way is that it takes us into deeper levels of ourselves and make it less likely that we will be simply creating via the ego and personal will. The latter approach works but it most often entails struggle, misuse of energy and increases the chances that what we create will not be truly aligned with who we are and what is in our best interests.
We need effective methods as well as a commitment to develop the capacities of our higher mind blended with heart (soul) intelligence. This results in an integration that becomes a state of BEING.From there c0-creation occurs and has a flowing, effortless quality to it.
L-i-v-i-n-g E-n-e-r-g-y W-o-r-k-s
We called our business Living Energy Works to highlight not just the fact that we are all energetic beings, but to also communicate that using our energy/consciousness is effective in helping us create the lives we love to live.
To do this we need to learn new methods that will allow us to embrace and effectively use ALL of our higher potential. In fact our foundation course, 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery (http://bit.ly/1RUaiOr) is all about the tools and techniques that help you do just that!
Here is a video that speaks to some of these ideas and can encourage you to stay on your path of conscious creation and new ways of BEING in your world!
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