Is Positivity Always the Answer?

Positivity is great as long as we hold it appropriately and not use it as a denial mechanism. Used in the latter way positivity backfires and leaves us ill prepared, ill equipped and more vulnerable to challenges. There needs to be a balance with knowing how to remain in strength and balance while not denying what is in front of you or how you are really feeling. This is a skill we learn through practice!

The human journey is complex and in my view requires us to be big enough to hold all aspects of the experience in ways that do not defeat, embitter or constrict us. Bob Hope seems to have been a person who innately knew how to face harsh reality and bring open heartfelt care and joy to the moment. When we are reminded of the harsher aspects of life, when senseless violence rips at the fabric of our Being, or when burdens begin to make us feel small …we need to find the means to remain heart centered, open and expansive with our energy….watching one who appears to have been gifted with such presence can help.

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