The news was full of Justin Bieber last week. Anytime someone in the public eye stumbles there is more than enough media coverage and conversation about it. Perhaps this is one way that modern life and technology serves to separate us from ourselves keeping us distracted from the one true place where we have influence.
A closer look
What do you think about this latest episode in Justin Bieber’s life?
Do you see it through the eyes of the law?
He broke the rules and needs to bear the consequences.
Do you see it through the eyes of a parent?
This young man is out of control and needs help—or to bear the consequences or both. Here is a young man who can become a topic re: what not to do when talking to children.
Do you see it from a psychological perspective?
Here is a young man whose young ego is not equipped to deal with fame, fortune and the license that goes with all that.
Do you see an example of all that is wrong with society being served up to young teenage fans making sure that they will grow up acting out society’s shadow?
Do you see it from a more spiritual viewpoint?
This person is lost, disconnected from the deeper currents of soul and humanity. Maybe you see a lost soul whose crash and burn behavior will land him in a place of healing, learning and growth eventually.
Perhaps there are other perspectives as well much more that could be said about each one of those mentioned but that’s not really the point here! 🙂
Technology has made it possible for us to have an endless supply of subject matter to preoccupy ourselves. It has become practically a national past time to endlessly converse about the behavior of those who live in the spotlight.
(There are very positive effects of media coverage of world events that result in a lot of good work but again that is not the topic here.)
Where do you land?
We all have a perspective….many actually. They may be individualized depending on the situation or they may be a blending of multiple points of view.
Our perspectives and the beliefs that they spring from are not necessarily wrong or right. Many in fact are founded on solid logic, ethical and moral principles. The point here is not whether they are wrong or right but the extreme external focus. Sports, politics, religion, art, philosophy, even weight, food and nutrition all are topics that keep us turning in circles of ideas and expression of those ideas/perspectives all of which takes an enormous portion of our time and precious life force.
“The unexamined life is not worth living”. Socrates
If we are to discover purpose, meaning and have the power of consciousness behind our choices and creations, then we must look at our perspectives and beliefs and determine how they serve us.
A personal example
From an early age I was attuned to helping, caring and service. It took me many years to really “get it” that I could not have any real influence over what another did or did not do. Certainly this is the case with those in the public eye, but it is even true with people I love and care about (some days I have to learn this all over again!). When you are attuned to service it can be tricky to sort out boundaries and issues of responsibility. A great many beliefs are tied up in an issue like this, supported by the church, society and culture in general. It can be even more confusing when inspecting areas that have a positive component. Commitment to the Truth and real freedom can be a powerful motivator.
So what is another approach that is more productive than having our energy leach out in endless conversation or hand wringing about someone else’s’ situation or behavior? Not only are endless stories, judgments, blaming and criticisms not helpful, they also drain energy or produce an energetic frequency that is no fun even if it can be compelling. When I truly embrace this perspective then I am more apt to do something about my responses. Even if I am in a position to be of help (or maybe especially so) then I need to do what I can to have all my circuits open, available and operating at optimal function! And that means taking a good look at my beliefs and misperceptions.
Flipping negative to positive
We can flip the negative to the positive. Good can come from bad, but it is not a denial of reality or a flight into positive thinking. I have found that taking spotlight ..with a light hand, no judgment or harsh critique, only an attitude of seeking freedom through discovery and letting go…is ultimately very freeing.
To begin the trip to freedom a question that can help is: What do my responses tell me about my beliefs?
The majority of our beliefs are formed early and operate on autopilot for much of our life. We may inspect certain beliefs when we hit a wall along our journey. But there are many more waiting in the corners for our attention and we could benefit from using events and responses in our daily life to clear a bit more clutter from our internal closets.
Sitting on a pile of uninspected beliefs guarantees a drag on our forward movement in life as well as a straitjacket on our true freedom.
So the Justin Biebers of the world will get help or not, grow or not, find real happiness one day or not. He (and other celebrities) do not know or care about you or me. They have enough to distract them! I wish them well, I can even be informed about their “news” but hold it in a detached way. My main focus has to be on clearing the debris from my inner environment. I need abundant, free flowing energy spinning all my circuits so I can do the best I can do with my little corner of the world.
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