higher consciousness

Higher Consciousness, False Beliefs and the New Paradigm

Higher Consciousness and the new Paradigm
For a long time now there has been talk about a new paradigm emerging. A major piece of the foundation for that paradigm is “waking up” or evolving to a higher level of consciousness. I suspect a lot of us thought it was going to be smoother and more graceful than it in fact is! I am reminded of how powerfully intense, messy and chaotic labor and delivery are…but in the end all is generally well and there is new life to be celebrated, loved and enjoyed.

The new paradigm is emerges from realizations that the old no longer serves us. Globally we see old structures falling apart. A lot of fear is generated as it is not at all clear what will replace them. And so it is with us individually. Our lower mind even though brilliant and capable in so many ways will not be enough to serve us in the new times we are evolving toward.
A more evolved consciousness is needed. This consciousness cannot be forced with the ego but develops over time with our attention, intention and at times painful pushes if we are not actively choosing to progress in that direction.  As this broader awareness takes root the qualities of acceptance, inclusion, unity, compassion and tolerance emerge. If we look closely at our world we can see the movement toward this higher consciousness over the past few decades even as opposite characteristics burst out of the shadows. The latter is a necessary step in the process personally as well as globally.
In a previous post I mentioned that we cannot expand into higher consciousness with our baggage in tow. That baggage exists largely as false beliefs that formed early in our lives. Following are some questions that can help us to identify what needs to be released so we may expand into the promise of a future lived from a level of consciousness that is nurturing and life enhancing.

Family Legacies

What are your family cultural and emotional legacies?
It can be helpful to take some time in deep relaxation to look back over your life and see it as you would a movie. As you observe this movie, you may get in better touch with the effects of your family, schooling, religious training and the values, cultural influences and beliefs that were being transmitted.

Writing down your responses helps you to be clear, helps you to focus, and gives you a way to track your progress. Often we can get lost in our minds and feel like we have not come very far in our journey. If you keep a notebook with this kind of documentation, you will often be surprised and encouraged at how much you really have accomplished and changed.

What was communicated in your family about:
(Both the overt and covert messages are important)

  • Power
  • Men/women/relationships
  • Love
  • Money
  • Food
  • Death
  • Having, deserving, abundance, scarcity
  • Security, stability
  • Self esteem, value, worth
  • Speaking your mind, feelings, communication in general
  • Intellectual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence
  • Spirituality
  • When thinking about family legacies, do not forget to pay attention to the good that you received. These are strengths that serve you well and that you can bring to those other parts that you want to heal.
  • What were the spoken messages in your home that were helpful?
  • What were the spoken messages that were not helpful, nurturing, or supportive to positive growth?
  • What were the unspoken messages that were helpful?


  • What were the unspoken messages that were not helpful, nurturing or supportive to positive growth?

You may already have modified a lot of what you learned in your family as you have grown and matured;  however these beliefs can tend to morph and emerge in more subtle emotionally and energetically. It is always helpful to take a look at what is operating in your life to make sure you are being fully supported and free from within.

  • How do your beliefs help support or detract from your goals and intentions?
  • What patterns do you wish to dissolve or break away from?

Use what you learned in looking at your answers to the questions and reactions to the example messages as a way of guiding you.

 Helpful Hint: In case you may be feeling that this exercise could be overwhelming, depressing or discouraging, begin now to use your mind power by shifting your awareness to gratitude and freedom for having let the truth of your experience come clearly to you. Remember, it is only by fully embracing ALL of what has occurred that we can become the Masters of our own life!

Another way to explore beliefs and how they impact your life…explore the information under the category CHAKRAS on the blog.