Heartfelt affirmations and expanded awareness can be powerful tools to help release pain and fear. Our hearts register all our feelings. If we shut down in response to negative or uncomfortable feelings then we are affecting our capacity to feel positive emotions like love and happiness.
Heartfelt Affirmations for Change
Here are some affirmations to focus and expand awareness. In addition to expanding awareness and helping to focus your consciousness, if said with heartfelt emotion they can turbo-charge your energy flow toward positive change.
As I choose to open and expand my energy field, I can more easily release pain making more room for feelings of love and freedom.
Pain is a shift in energy, an experience of lowered constricted vibrations. Resistance constricts my energy and increases the pain and locks it in my system.
I can consciously expand my energy, choosing a more positive emotion and re-balance my energy.
Grounding, centering and heartfelt affirmations help expand energy.
Pain and fear can move through my being as freely as the wind through the trees as I focus on feeling grounded, centered and balanced.
Our habitual ways of dealing with pain and fear do not work. They actually intensify it through constriction, holding in and holding up! Working with heartfelt affirmations to focus and expand your energy you can eradicate a great deal of fear and pain. As you do so you will develop new pathways that can help create a whole new way of both experiencing life and more gracefully riding the waves of challenge and change.
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