
Opening to Heart Centered Gratitude Workshop

On May 18th from 9:00am to 12:00pm I will be teaching a workshop, Heart Centered Gratitude, at Healing Way Center in Salem NH.

This three hour workshop guides you through your energy system to the gateway of your Heart Chakra. It opens you to an inner space where you can connect with wholeness, self-love and acceptance.

If you experience…
A feeling of being scattered
Negative self-image and self judgement
Inability to follow through and accept change
Lack of concentration, focus and procrastination
Difficulty in following through on your intentions

Then Practicing Heart-Centered Gratitude is right for you.

The techniques taught in this workshop are simple, easy and effortless to integrate into your normal routines. Learning to shift into a heart-centered focus helps your body to shift to more coherent heart rhythms, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and improves immunity, brain function and ability to concentrate.

In this program you will learn how to:
Support change with ease
Experience gratitude and appreciation fully and deeply
Align with your heart and break through non-productive patterns
Strengthen your core to increase focus, concentration and resolve
Direct your energy more efficiently and powerfully for well being

To register call or email Karen:

Check out the video below where Cindy Mattingly and I speak about one very simple beginning technique from the workshop!