
Heart or Brain: Who Is In Charge of Your Feelings?

Heart, Mind and Feelings
When our mood goes awry it is often our brain function that gets blamed.  When we are unhappy, bored, depressed, sad or do not feel alive and connected to life and living it is the brain that is pointed to as having a malfunction of some type.
However recent research tells us it is our heart that really connects us with life and generates the energy of our feel good feelings. A diminished flow of energy here puts us at risk for physical ailments but it also has mental and physical ramifications.Fortunately it is reversible through balancing this chakra’s energy

HeartMath Educates Re: the True Center of Feeling
“When you are not connected with your heart, it diminishes the feeling textures in your life’s experiences. When life becomes dry, boring and bordering on depression, you’re experiencing diminished spirit flow in your system. Through learning to reconnect with your heart by putting out qualities like love, appreciation, compassion and forgiveness, you reactivate your spirit, which increases the feeling textures of your experience, bringing you more positive feelings such as joy and happiness.” Doc Lew Childre, Institute of HeartMath

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Below is a great explanation of energy, emotion, heart and the bodymind and how we influence our worlds!